Wednesday, March 18, 2015


1. Sleep
Last night I think I had the most interrupted sleep so far in the past few weeks.  I am still looking forward to a nap this afternoon but it feels like progress!!  

2. Library
Yesterday after school we went downtown to the library.  I needed to kill some time with the boys in hopes that our entire evening would go smoother.  It worked.  I think that we will be returning again within a week.  The kids section was essentially empty besides another family that we played with.  The boys LOVE the green screen and interacting with the video.  We also sat down and read books.  We have been to the library HUNDREDS of times to play and the boys have never sat down and read books with me but this time we read 5 or 6 different Fly Guy books.  It was pretty spectacular.  After we got home the boys played great and the night went smoothly.  Jack even slept in his carseat from 245-6pm.

3. Frown Face
Jack makes the sweetest frown face and cry.  It use to come out more when he was a baby and I hope that one day I am able to get it on film.  I am sitting in bed typing and pumping and Jack is sitting on the boppy pillow in front of me.  All of a sudden he is doing this sweet, little cry.  It only lasts a minute and it is so cute.  (haha....parents are creepy)

4. Boppy Pillow
One of the amazing things that Ashley has let me borrow is the boppy pillow.  Wish I had this with the twins.  Almost all pictures are captured of Jack in this pillow.  It just sits and holds him snug.  It is pretty awesome.

5. Nap
This afternoon my mom is going to come over so I can take a nap.  It has been very hard for me to sleep during the day with Jack here.  When she is here I am able to turn the box fan on in my room, pass out quickly, and not worry about the baby.  It gives me a full few hours between pumpings and it makes me feel SO. MUCH. BETTER.

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