Friday, March 13, 2015


1. My artist
I know that I have mentioned this a million times in the past and I have a feeling that I will mention it a million times in the future (hopefully), Cameron LOVES art.  One of my friends sent me this screen shot last week.  He is such a stud.  I hope that as schooling progresses into structured lessons of math, reading, history and on and on that we are still able to pull the love of art out of him.

2. Simple and true
This was my quote of the day yesterday that is sent to my email.  It has been a rough, long year to say the least.  I am ready for a major change and to have some crazy adventures.  This year has taught me to attack life and get all of the juice out of it.  

3. Spirit Week
The boys had a fun week of dressing up at school.  Here are some more of the days.

These were the red carpet days that we took pictures with their teachers.

 Wacky Wednesday

 Celebrity Reader Night

It has been a busy week but it actually made the mornings go by smoothly since the boys were excited to wear the different outfits.  Cameron still wanted to stay in bed everyday but overall mornings were better this week.
4. Morning Stillness
As I started to type out this thought...that it is nice to have the silence in the morning and a few minutes to myself....Cameron woke up. I am staying in bed to enjoy my coffee and I sent him to the 
couch to watch some Netflix on the iPad.

5. Lose It
I have been having some progress on losing my baby weight.  I am using an app to track my calories and it is working.  I hope to get into the gym soon but I will basically be choosing the gym over a nap and right now I think that the 2 hours of sleep might be more important.  **If Mike reads this he would not even say it was an option, sleep would be the only answer.**  Regardless, the app is working and I have been losing weight.

6. Two nightly feedings
For the past three nights Jack has done essentially the same routine.  He eats around 8, falls asleep around 10, wakes up in the midnight hour and then again in the 4 o'clock hour.  This is progress in our schedule and makes sleeping a bit more wonderful

The boys were always on a schedule.  From day one they had to be on a schedule so that way I didn't lose my mind.  It made this SUPER easy.  They ate at the same time, napped at the same time, and things never really changed.  With Jack it has been hard for me to grasp that things don't really work like that in the first 2 months.  Not only that but with the twins in the mix now I adjust Jack's schedule to work with their schedule.  At times it becomes a scheduling nightmare.  Yesterday I fed Jack a bottle while pumping and eating my breakfast at the same time.  Multitasking at its finest. 

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