Friday, November 13, 2015

All Clear

1. 7 YEARS
I had a two hour, extensive appointment this morning and everything came back CLEAR.  I do not have to get my next mammogram for 7 years unless anything changes!! 

2. 6 Years
The boys had their 6 year old check ups yesterday.  Everything went smoothly.  During this check up they had the boys pee in a cup!!  Explaining this to a 6 year old was hilarious.  Then, in the bathroom they thought the little door in the wall was insane with the disappearing cup.  Our appointment was promptly at 7am.  And of course, always grateful for Kara.

3. Volunteering at school
After the doctor appointments I drove the boys to school and stayed to help set up for the book fair. After volunteering in the media center I went to Cameron's class.  The three of us had lunch together and then I was with Owen all afternoon.  I ended up staying the entire day and I drove them home. Every time I am there I think over and over how the teachers need huge, expensive Christmas gifts. It is absolutely insane.  They work so freaking hard.

 The pictures below are pictures of lost and found.  I have a feeling I am not the only mom searching for a coat.  He found it easily and it is now back in our possession.

 4. Wrestling camp
Greg has been frequently asking for me to send the boys to wrestling camp.  I finally agreed.  It was 90 minutes last night and then twice next week.  They were a bit wide eyed at first and extremely overwhelmed.  By the end they were enjoying themselves and exhausted.  Owen did say, "Mom--I never want to be a wrestler when I grow up."

5. It's Friday Night .....
Well it's not really Friday night -- but it is Friday's Friday at it's Friday afternoon.  I have a busy day tomorrow but on Saturday night (tomorrow) we are going on a DATE.  A childless, fabulous few moments alone.

Don't get me wrong -- I love my kids.  But sitting with this man, and actually be able to speak with him, makes me happy.

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